What is the CHASE-A-LOT



The idea for CHASE-A-LOT was born from the desire and passion for the love of dogs. The concept all started from one of the best services offered by our beloved Doggie Daycare. The belief in having a happy dog is found in the SET Principle (Socialization-Exercise-Training), which was developed by Elly Rivera. Ms. Rivera holds a Master’s Degree in Animal Behavior and dozens of other certifications. She has over 30+ years of experience operating her successful Dog Training and Care Business. One of her services is Off Leash Hiking. Her staff picks up the dogs and takes them to the farm. The pups get to socialize, exercise, and receive training as well. All off leash. One of the direct benefits we found from this training is at the end of the day, the pups were tired and more relaxed at night. The parents of these pups are amazed, even after a few days of hiking, how calmer and more relaxed their pups were after they came home from a long day of working themselves. They sleep through the night. Before the parents signed their furbaby up for this service, their pup would just sleep all day while they were at work. Later when they got home, the pups would be full of energy from sleeping and would be very hyper. Plus, your pup loves you and is happy to see you, adding to the hyper state. You work all day, so your furbabies should also stay alert and be active as well. Sync up your energy level. Hence, what we call the getSYNCED concept was developed.

We asked ourselves how can we mimic this service for the masses. The hiking service is expensive for most and not available everywhere. First, we formed a group of professionals who had experience with dogs, technology, and business. The common bond among the team was that we were all dog lovers. The SPARTAN DOG CORP and the CHASE-A-LOT PROJECT was born. We got to work…

After many prototypes and testing, we are happy to announce, after over 3 years of development of the CHASE-A-LOT, we have a finished product. CHASE-A-LOT is a very unique and out-of-the-box High-TECH Device for young active dogs. We call it the CHASE-A-LOT PLAYTIME SYSTEM. The system comes with two units. You can add six additional units to the system, depending on the size of your home. The units are placed in different rooms in your home, even on different levels. Through our interactive App, operated on your smartphone, you can set up and schedule your playtimes for your pet. Once the playtime starts, one of the units will start making our PROPRIETARY SOUND. Once your pup hears this sound, they will naturally go investigate. Once they break the threshold of the room the unit has been placed in, the unit will sense the pup and then trigger another unit to go off in another room. Depending on the amount and length of the scheduled playtime, you can keep your pups active while you work. We utilize the natural curiosity factors that most pups have, intending to keep your dog active and Synced with your schedule while you are not home. We hope to enable both you and your furbaby to have a happier life…

We invite you to watch our animation video below and visit our FAQ page. You may also reach out via feedback form or on our Facebook Page. We will be happy to answer any questions.